2023 Oregon Trail Days
posted on
July 14, 2023

Tenino's Oregon Trail Days Festival has been a favorite event for our family for certainly my whole life, and before that as well. This year events start on Friday, July 21 with an opening flag ceremony at the Tenino City Park War Memorial at 10 am, and continue throughout the weekend with activities at the Pioneer Village, a gem and rock show, and live music.
The parade starts at 10:45 am on Saturday and follows Sussex Avenue before ending at the park. This year we'll be debuting our new prairie schooner, a replica of the type of wagon that my great-great grandfather Ignatius Colvin traveled in when crossing the Oregon Trail from Boone County, Missouri in 1849. We won't be using horses to pull our wagon, though (and if you can guess what will be pulling the wagon I'll make sure you get extra candy at the parade).
See the full schedule of events from the Tenino Area Chamber of Commerce. We hope to see you in Tenino on Saturday!