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Home Delivery With South Sound Fresh

posted on

March 10, 2024

Colvin Ranch roast prepared by Vern's Foods

Sometimes, you just want to stay in. For an easy way to get home delivery for your Colvin Ranch beef, plus lots of other locally-produced food, check out the South Sound Fresh food hub.

South Sound Fresh is an online marketplace of locally grown and produced food from more than 40 farmers, ranchers, and food producers. Some of our favorites were featured at a recent dinner prepared by Vern's Foods at the South Sound Fresh kitchen: 

  • Skokomish Valley Farms vegetables and chicken
  • Friendly Grove quince 
  • WeBeSmokin' sauces 
  • Tunawerth Creamery butter
  • Claddagh Coldbrew coffee

You can find everything from carrots to catnip to cookies listed on the site, plus a rotating selection of ready-to-eat items from Vern's Foods. 

How it works
The weekly ordering period is from Friday through Tuesday. Items are delivered to your doorstep with no-contact delivery on Thursday between 1:00-7:00 pm. We recommend leaving a cooler on your front porch if you won't be there to collect your order right away. 

Check to see if you're located in the delivery zones in Mason and Thurston County. If not, you can also pickup your order at South Sound Fresh in Olympia on Thursday.

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Resources for Ranchers

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