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Thurston County Cattlewomen

posted on

May 11, 2024


The Thurston County Cattlewomen have been long-time supporters of the beef industry and youth in agriculture in Thurston County. 

I always look forward to the monthly meetings with this group of kind and generous women. Many of them know me from my days as a 4-H kid, spending summers with our Scatter Creek 4-H club at the Thurston County Fair. And I love catching up with other moms who have kids the same age as mine. We often see each other at all the same agriculture meetings, and I know that I can always get an answer to any question I might have because this group is just as generous with their time as they are with their expertise.

Much of the work the Thurston County Cattlewomen do is in support of youth in agriculture. Every year, the group pays for prizes for the kids who participate in beef 4-H events at the Thurston County Fair. The group also donates books about agriculture to local elementary schools to support agriculture literacy, and offers scholarships to graduating high school seniors.

Like many moms and women everywhere, the Thurston County Cattlewomen often work tirelessly and quietly behind the scenes to make the community better. I was lucky to be the recipient of their time and attention when I was a kid, so I know first-hand the difference it makes. 

If you would like to support the Thurston County Cattlewomen's charitable programs, you can do so by purchasing some of our specially-roasted coffee. All proceeds from our Moo Brew and Decalf (get it?) Blend Coffee will go towards food bank donations and youth scholarships. Order online and schedule your pickup at checkout. 

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