Donate to the Tenino Food Bank

Add a package of stew meat to your order for a family in need

Rib Steak vs. Ribeye

In the matchup between rib steak vs. ribeye, there are no losers, only winners - because either way you get a great steak. The rib steak and ribeye are basically the same cut, except that the rib steak includes the bone and the ribeye is boneless.

2023 Oregon Trail Days

The Tenino Oregon Trail Days parade is always a highlight from a full weekend of activities celebrating Tenino's connection to the Oregon Trail. The Colvin Ranch prairie schooner will be in the parade Saturday, July 22 at 10:45 am.

Support Local Families in Need

Help support our local community by adding a package of chuck eye steak for the Tenino Food Bank to your order. We'll deliver your donation directly to the food bank. Plus, we'll match your donation, so for every package of meat that you donate, we'll be able to provide dinner for two families.

Preserving the Prairie

In 2005, Colvin Ranch was the first in Washington to participate in the USDA's Grassland Reserve Program, ensuring that the prairie would be preserved forever. "What I like to tell people is when your grandchildren's grandchildren come out here, it will pretty much look like it does today."

Grazing With Rare Plants

Colvin Ranch is located on a unique prairie habitat that’s home to rare and endangered plants and animals. At one time, prairies covered more than 180,000 acres in Southwest Washington. Less than 3% of the native prairie habitat remains today, which makes conservation efforts even more important.

Animal Health and Vaccines

We make every effort to ensure that our animals are healthy. At Colvin Ranch, we have protocols in place for managing herd and individual animal health. As Fred likes to say, “we vaccinate to keep healthy cattle healthy.”

Best Tender Steaks for the BBQ

Barbecue season is year-round for us at the ranch. We grill outside all year, and the weather has to be pretty miserable for us to give up on the grill and pan-fry a steak - not that there's anything wrong with cooking a steak indoors and we have several cast iron pans just for that purpose. But by default, we pretty much always turn on the grill.